Category Archives: AGM
64th Annual General Meeting Recap
Dear Friends,
Friends of Nature held our 64th Annual General Meeeting on October 11, 2018 in Chester NS. The meeting was followed by a showing by the Ecology Action Centre of the excellent documentary on the evils of Biomass electrical generation titled “Burned”.
The documentary was followed by a discussion lead by our friend Ray Plourde, Wilderness Director of the EAC. Attendance was over 60 people, which was encouraging on a dark and stormy night.
The attached document below is an outline of my Chair’s report, which summarizes our activities over the past year, starting with a tribute to our dear Friend and Founder: Rudy Haase.
Syd Dumaresq, Chair Friends of Nature

“Burned” Documentary Screening and Annual General Meeting
Would you like to know more about the devastating effects of clear cutting our forests to provide fodder for giant electrical generating furnaces not only in here Nova Scotia but also in Europe, as we export shiploads of wood chips there???
The Friends of Nature, Canada’s oldest environmental conservation group, in collaboration with the Ecology Action Centre will present the documentary Burned followed by a discussion moderated by Ray Plourde, Wilderness Coordinator for the EAC, on the devastating effects of biomass electrical generation.
The screening will follow the Friends of Nature Annual General Meeting to which the public is invited.
Date: Thursday October 11, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: St Stephen’s Anglican Parish Community Centre, 60 Regent St., Chester, NS.
The 2017 Friends of Nature Annual General Meeting
63rd Annual General Meeting with Guest Speaker Silver Donald Cameron
The public is welcome to attend the 63rd Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Nature.
Come and meet renowned author Silver Donald Cameron, who will give us an update on his Green Interview project, and noted wildlife biologist Bob Bancroft, who will lead us in a discussion on the negative impact of the use of forest biomass to generate electricity.
Learn about progress being made by the Healthy Forests Coalition in slowing the use of forest biomass. Friends of Nature is a valued member of this coalition.
All welcome, refreshments will be served.
7 pm Monday, May 2, 2016
St. Stephen’s Community Centre, Regent St., Chester, NS